Monday, December 26, 2011


Jenna's first Christmas Tree. She went shopping for it and didn't even know it.

Check out our faces... pretty glorious that our great faces were at the same time and caught on camera.

Jenna will love this Nativity that Morgan gave her for years
And this is where it sits in her room.

Outfit #1 on the day of Christmas

Outfit #3 for the day, isn't she cute?

Just a talkin'

Jeremy sent this for Jenna... she likes it and gave it a good stare down
We spent Christmas with my family. We usually play games such as relay races, fear factor or minute to win it. This year we played a mixture. The following pictures are of a team that you would have thought would have been definite winners - Bret, Mitch, Aaron and my mom. BUT oh no, they were losing and so decided to cheat. There is a paper bag attached to the beam and we had to make a basket with a tennis ball. They lifted my mom to the bag and made quite a few baskets bringing my mom back to her cheer leading days.

By the way, the team that won consisted of Ethan, Katie and ME.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rice Cereal

These pictures are from after her first attempt at eating rice cereal. She was so tired and didn't have much patience for pictures. She is a real pro at eating now. She even had her first drink of water out of a glass today.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Mooween!

Happy Halloween! Jenna got to be a little cow (go figure:)) and she was a cute one a that.

Jenna and I handed out soda pop to the little goblins while Aaron spent most of the night announcing a playoff football game. He came home at the tail end of the trick or treaters in time to scare a few - which he loves to do. He hid in the attic and would say boooo out the window or drop something near them. He got a few screams but much to his dismay... many of the kids remember him from last year and came with searching eyes and were asking for his location.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

For you...

Just realizing there are a few long distant
                            family and friends who check this blog regularly
                                                           and since I've been blog slacking
                                                                                                here are a few of my favorite random pictures
                                                                                                                              of my ANGEL BUG.



One week ago we took Jenna to see the judge
...we'll admit, a little nervous about the what if's
...great fun to see my Uncle Lyman in lawyer mode
...spectacular moment when the judge signed the papers
...sweet and tender feelings about family and the blessing and miracle of Jenna
...grateful for wonderful parents and siblings who have supported us through it all

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How SWEET it is!

Do you know how long I've waited for the chance, ability, reason, excuse, and miracle to post a picture of my 'family' - one that includes more than just a couple?

How many times I have stared at a picture of the two of us and imagined and
 wished for someone little there with us.

Jenna is so much more than I have imagined.

How sweet it is for Aaron and I to have this blessing in our lives.

We are so grateful!

Monday, September 19, 2011

2 MonTHs

At her two month check up Buggie weighed 12 lbs. 2 oz. and was 24 1/2" long. She hated her shots and mom almost cried. Dad might have had a tear too.

         We just love every minute with her.