Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

The most wonderful thing about holidays is the time we get to spend with our family. For Thanksgiving we spent the first of the week at my parents and the rest of the week at Aaron's. I usually get a picture of the Thanksgiving meal and of Aaron's family but for some reason this year - I did not.

Soon to BE NEW Parents!
We are SO EXCITED for the new LITTLE GIRL on her way.

"My baby and Aunt Erica's shoes! Favorite things!"

Bridger loves, loves, loves to wrestle. He lays down and rolls around and all over you.

 It might also be one of Aaron's favorite things to do too....


Aaron and Bridger played and played. Bridger is a ton of fun. He is thinks Spidermans is AMAZZZZING.

Here is he flying around shooting webbing... 

Love, LOVE the belly!

Grandma and Jaxxi... this is when the training starts... making Grandma the favorite.

Ethan is  taking his turn at blowing up the balloon.
When one tired of huffing and puffing it was presented to some one else to blow.
Soon it became a very nasty, slobbery balloon.

But that didn't matter, THEY loved chasing the balloon as it flew away.

And we cannot forget Emmett.... The happiest baby of all.
He is fun to hold and cuddle. He is starting to scoot around.
He is ready for action and watches big brother Bridger's every step.

All the little feet...
had such a hard time of staying still for a picture :)

I am very grateful for the family the Lord has blessed us with. Aaron and I come from the greatest families.

1 comment:

  1. How CUTE! I love these pics! Check out my blog. I updated it ;)
